Welcome to the Metro Children’s Water Festival.

The annual festival is produced for 4th grade students in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metropolitan area and is held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. The festival teaches children about water resources and how they can help ensure a future where both the quantity and quality of water resources are protected and managed wisely.


Calling all fourth grade teachers…

We are excited to continue in-person water festivals! Fourth grade teachers are invited to register for the annual in-person Metro Children’s Water Festival. The next festival will be held on Wednesday, September 24, 2025. Registration for the 2025 festival is NOW OPEN thru March 31! Click the blue button below to go to the registration page.

Please note that the virtual festival is available year-round, and registration is not required for this option. More info on the virtual festival is available on the “Festival” tab of our website.


In addition to our annual festival, we have put together a vast array of activities, projects and resources.

We split the content into categories to help you find the content you want and teach these lessons in smaller segments, making it easier to work into your classroom curriculum. The lessons are fun and engaging for students! Parents and guardians may also find some activities fun to do at home as a family. There are many ways to use this variety of resources!


“Thank you for teaching me how do we get waves in the ocean. I’ve ALWAYS wondered.”

Analia, 4th Grade

“I learned how water travels under the earth, and how people use 100 gallons a day.”

Rennie, 4th Grade

“Thank you for teaching me about the animals like turtles, frogs, snakes, and lizards.”

Mark, 4th Grade

“I liked going inside a bubble!”

Liam, 4th Grade

“Do not poison the water. It’s bad for us and for animals. Thank you for teaching me.”

Lixsi, 4th Grade

“I learned about the water cycle. It was awesome!”

Tristan, 4th Grade

“My favorite part was a when we went to the big stage and we all learned a lot about water!”

Muriel, 4th Grade

“Our students had a great time and an enriching learning experience that covered many state science standards.”

Staff Member, St. Peters Catholic School

Thank you supporters.

Without your support, our programs would not be possible.